Administrative Contacts


Department Leadership

David Julius, Chair of the Department of Physiology, 415-476-0431

Markus Delling, Vice Chair of the Department of Physiology, 415-476-2308

Shelley Green, Chief Administrative Officer, 415-502-7334

Finance Team



Tyi Mar, Research Administrator,



Rashaan Lyons, Research Administrator,



Faculty Analysts


Dora Scott, Executive Analyst to SOM Vice Dean for Research


Linda Toschi-Chambers, Administrative Support to HHMI Faculty


Armando Martinez, Administrative Support to HHMI


Marcus Cavness, Administrative Support to Physiology Faculty


Lidiana Sanvar, Executive Analyst to the Department of Physiology Chair


 Khang Nguyen, System Administrator


Human Resources

Angelie Khu, Human Resources Liaison

The Physiology Department is supported by UCSF's Human Resources Shared Services  Physiology Department's HR contact list

Center for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN), & Kavli Institute for Fundamental Neuroscience (KIFN)



Kenji Muramuto, CIN Administrator



Julia Liebowitz, Kavli IFN Administrator and Director of Communications


Dirk Kleinhesselink, CIN Systems Administrator 

Pre-Award and Fellowship Support

Research Management Services (RMS) provides support by finalizing budgets and required documents for proposal submission according to agency guidelines. If you plan to submit solicited federal, state, and private grants the Research Servicies Coordinator (RSC) must be notified at least 30 days in advance. For larger proposals, including those with subcontracts and international components, at least 60 days notice are required. Complex proposals including institutional training grants and cooperative agreements require 4-6 months notification to the RSC. After notification, a submission timeline will be established for submitting the proposal to ensure that the applicant meets the agency's deadline. All grants and fellowships require institutional signatures, and will be coordinated by the RSC. Final submission is performed by either the PI or RSC depending on the funding. If the PI submits, RSC is copied on the submission, and should the RSC submit, the PI and Department will be notified within 24 hours. If you have questions, please contact your Research Services Coordinator.

Marsha Jo, Grants Officer, 415-218-7294

Casey Carpio, Grants Officer 415-734-1026

Purchasing Information

Purchasing is coordinated through BearBuy. If you require assistance within BearBuy, contact the IT Service Desk at 415-514-4100. Questions regarding BearBuy ordering or existing orders can be directed toward your Financial Analyst.

For project-specific purchases with federal funds, i.e., office supplies or fed ex charges, the requestor needs to provide a brief justification on why it is related specifically to the research. The justification information will be kept by the department as backup documentation. Most purchasing does not require this special justification, but if you are not sure, feel free to ask your PI, Financial Analyst, or Operations Analyst.

General Overview of Purchasing:
1. Request from the lab is routed to the administrative analyst via BearBuy.
2. The request is approved by the Procurement Department, and the vendor is notified.
3. Order received, route all packing slips and other documents to the Finance Unit as backup for receipt of purchase.
4. Voucher approved by Procurement Department Voucher Approver.

Conference Room Reservations

If you would like to reserve a conference room in either the Sandler Neurosciences Building or Rock Hall, please visit or contact Marcus Cavness at 415-502-7333.

IT Technical Support

IT Technical support is conducted through the IT Field Services Desk at 415-514-4100.

Additional University Administration Resources:

UC Personal and Business Affairs Policies
UC Regents' Bylaws and Standing Orders
New Investigators: A quick guide to starting your research at UCSF
UC Academic Personnel Manual
UC Faculty Handbook